Blackhall Publishing Updates Laws of Malaŵi

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Blackhall Publishing Updates Laws of Malaŵi

Law Revision Order updates 12 volume set to 31 December 2017

In November 2010, in terms of the Promotion of the Rule of Law and Civic Education in Malaŵi Project sponsored by the European Union, Blackhall Publishing delivered the Revised Laws of Malaŵi.

The 11 volume, 15,000 page publication was updated from 2000 to April 2010. The project had required, in addition to the normal revision, the retypesetting and proofreading of all content and the preparation of an electronic version.

Subsequent to the publication of the revised edition, Blackhall has maintained the Laws of Malaŵi online and in digital format. In April 2016 the loose-leaf volumes were updated to 31 December 2014, and an additional volume was added. In March 2018 Blackhall updated the Laws of Malaŵi with LRO 1/2018 which updated the laws to 31 December 2017.

In addition to the Revised Laws of Malaŵi Blackhall has also published the annual legislation in the Blue Book Series and the Rules of Court in the Red Book Series. 

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